The Hidden Virtues of Discretionary Power in European Migration Law, Hart, Oxford (forthcoming).
Journal Articles
Temporal Governance and the Production of Precarity in the New Pact on Migration and Asylum. In: European Public Law (together with Francesco Maiani) (forthcoming).
Discretionary powers - an (often overlooked) focalization point of the rule of law crisis. In: Revue des Affaires Européennes (forthcoming).
Competing Visions and Constitutional Limits of Schengen Reform: Securitization, Gradual Supranationalization and the Undoing of Schengen as an Identity-Creating Project. In: German Law Journal (forthcoming)
Of autocratic incrementalism and inadvertant inspirations: the interaction between the European Court of Justice and national lawmakers in the rule of law crisis in Poland. In: European Law Open, 2023, Vol. 2, 302-321 .
Judicial responses to autocratic legalism – the European Court of Justice in a cleft stick? European Papers. In: European Papers, 2022, Vol. 7, Nr. 2, 651-670.
Schengen and Free Movement Law during the First Phase of the COVID-19 Pandemic: of Symbolism, Law and Politics. In: European Papers, 2020, Vol. 5, 1143-1170 (together with Daniel Thym).
The Role of Member State Governments in Migration Litigation before the ECJ. In: European Journal of Migration and Law, 2020, Vol. 22, 541-570.
The Guises of and Guidance to Administrative Discretion in the European Court of Justice’s Interpretation of EU Immigration Law. In: Review of European Administrative Law, 2019, Vol. 12, 97-126.
Mitgliedstaatliche Gestaltungsspielräume im Schengener Grenzkodex – Folgen für einen Raum ohne Kontrollen an Binnengrenzen. In: integration 3/2018, 194-209.
Contributions to Edited Volumes
Migration Policy - Between Crisis Preparedness, Ad Hoc Solutions and Administrative Capacity Building. In: Fromage, Diane; Héritier Adrienne; Weismann, Paul (eds.): EU Regulatory Responses to Crises, OUP, 133-155 (together with Daniel Thym).
Zur Legitimität und Legitimierung von Ungleichbehandlungen im Migrationsrecht. In: Thym, Daniel (ed.): Deutschland als Einwanderungsland, Mohr Siebeck, 113-136 (forthcoming).
Informal coordination and inter-crises learning - external travel bans during the Covid crisis and the war in Ukraine. In: De Bruycker et al. (eds), The Law of Schengen. Limits, Contents and Perspectives after 40 Years, Larcier (forthcoming).
Of coordinated approaches and fair-weather arrangements: the EU crisis response to Covid-19 mobility restrictions. In: Brodowski, Dominik; Weber, Florian; Nesselhauf, Jonas (Eds.), Pandemisches Virus – nationales Handeln: “Covid 19” und die europäische Idee, Springer 2023, 87-108.
Binnenmarktrechtliche Grundlagen des Infektions- und Gesundheitsschutzrechts. In: Huster, Stefan; Kingreen, Thorsten (Eds.), Handbuch Infektionsschutzrecht, 2nd ed., 2022 (together with Daniel Thym).
Family Reunification Directive 2003/86/EC. In: Thym, Daniel; Hailbronner, Kay (Eds.), EU Immigration and Asylum Law Commentary, 3rd ed., 2022 (together with Carolin Arévalo; Tobias Klarmann).
Binnenmarktrechtliche Grundlagen des Infektions- und Gesundheitsschutzrechts. In: Huster, Stefan; Kingreen, Thorsten (Eds.), Handbuch Infektionsschutzrecht, 2021, Beck, 65-90 (together with Daniel Thym).
The Civil Judge as Administrator of Return Detention: The Case of Germany. In: Moraru, Madalina; Cornelisse, Galina; De Bruycker, Philippe (Eds.), Law and Judicial Dialogue on the Return of Irregular Migrants from the European Union, 2020, Hart, 213-236 (together with Harald Dörig).
Grenzschutzpolitik. In: Weidenfeld, Werner; Wessels, Wolfgang; Tekin, Funda (Eds.), Europa von A bis Z 15-17th ed., Springer VS, Wiesbaden, 2020/2022/2024.
Blog posts
Testing the Inspirational Link between EU Citizenship and Migration Law: C-112/22 and C-223/22 CU and ND on Indirect Discrimination of Long-Term Residents. In: European Law Blog, 2nd September 2024.
Could Hungary be suspended from Schengen? 'National Cards' for Russian and Belarussian Natioanls as a Geopolitical Threat. In: Verfassungsblog, 8th August 2024.
Between politics of suspicion and reinforced protection: the EU long-term residence Directive and deportations of ethnic Russians (Case C-752/22, EP). In: EU Law Live, 4th April 2024.
International Law as a Trailblazer for a Gender-Sensitive Refugee System in the EU. The Court of Justice's ruling in Case C-621/21, Women who are Victims of Domestic Violations. In: European Law Blog, 29th January 2024 (together with Gesa Kübek).
Discretionary power - a revered instrument in the toolbox of autocrats. In: EU Law Live, Long-read, 16th December 2023.
The Price of Transatlantic Friendship. Visa-Reciprocity and EU Citizenship at the CJEU. In: Verfassungsblog, 12th September 2023.
Upgrading the Schengen Information System, degrading the principle of proportionality? In: EU Law Live, Op-Ed, 20th March 2023.
Heated tempers and legal ambiguities. Some (second) thoughts on an all-out Schengen ban of Russians. In: Verfassungsblog, 17th August 2022.
The Selective Nature of a pan-European Willkommenskultur. Reflections on the War in Ukraine and Its Implications for Humanitarian Protection. In: Verfassungsblog, 12th July 2022.
Green light or white flag? The European Commission’s endorsement of the Polish recovery plan and its implications for the rule of law crisis. In: European Law Blog, 8th June 2022.
Reviving the Promise of Schengen. The Court of Justice’s Judgment in Landespolizeidirektion Steiermark on Internal Border Controls. In: Verfassungsblog, 28th April 2022.
The Commission’s proposed reform of the Schengen area – stronger enforcement or conflict aversion? In: EU Law Enforcement, 31st January 2022.
Stand-by duties in the Working Time Directive: Window-dressing workers’ rights? In: European Law Blog, 22nd March 2021.
Academic freedom in illiberal times – A bittersweet victory for the Central European University. In: European Law Blog, 21st October 2020.
Coming to terms with the refugee relocation mechanism. In: European Law Blog, 14th April 2020. Re-published as: Coming to terms with relocation: the infringement case against Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic. In: EU Immigration and Asylum Law and Policy, 17th April 2020.
Threats to public security in EU immigration law: Finding the right discretion. In: European Law Blog, 6th January 2020.
Joining Schengen – Cutting a Gordian knot for Romania and Bulgaria? In: EU Immigration and Asylum Law and Policy, 26th April 2018.