Personal Information
Name: Jonas Bornemann
Nationality: German
Date of Birth: 04.07.1991
Employment history
11/2024-01/2025: Research stay at Humboldt Universität zu Berlin and the Law and Society Institute
Since 09/2023: Assistant Professor of European Law, European and Economic Law department, University Groningen
10/2022-08/2023: Postdoctoral fellow of the nccr – on the move and Postdoctoral researcher at the Centre de droit comparé, européen et international at Université de Lausanne and the HES-SO Valais-Wallis
04/2020- 07/2022: Researcher at the Cluster of Excellence ‘The Politics of Inequality’
04/2018-12/2022: Research Assistant at the Chair of Public, European and International Law at University Konstanz, Professor Dr. Daniel Thym
09/2017-03/2018: Research Trainee for the Odysseus Network, Université libre de Bruxelles
09/2014-02/2015: Internship with the independent political Think Tank ‘Das Progressive Zentrum’, Berlin
03/2014-12/2015: Student Assistant at the Jean-Monnet-Chair of European Integration, University of Technology Chemnitz, Professor Dr. Matthias Niedobitek
04/2018-12/2022: Ph.D. at the Department of Law, University of Konstanz (summa cum laude), entitled: ‘The Transformation of Discretionary Power in European Migration Law: Misfit, Necessity or Virtue?’
09/2016-08/2017: Graduate School of Law, Maastricht University; Master’s Honours Research Track
09/2016-08/2017: LL.M. European Law School, specialisation European Public Law and Governance, Maastricht University (cum laude)
10/2011-07/2016: B.A. European Studies, Social Sciences specialisation, University of Technology Chemnitz
08/1998-07/2011: Primary and secondary education, Abitur